Day 119 – The Puzzle – Your Environment Dictates Your Growth

The tropical plant above and below are the same, or are they?

Both are Bird Of Paradise; the difference is the environment.

The top one is in a pot in my backyard in Kentucky.  It is brought indoors during the cold weather and then back outside from April until November.  

The one below is planted in Key West, Florida. 

Ours is around 6 feet tall; the one in Key West, I’d put close to 30 feet.  

So you might be asking, “Matt, what the heck are you talking about?  Did that hurricane wave hit you too hard?”  (by the way, click here to watch that video)

The reason is to paint a picture.  You can be whichever you choose to be.  You can put yourself in rooms, around people that will help you get MASSIVE or you can do the opposite.  We are all products of what we choose to create, and our environment is the key to our success.

More on this later.  

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