Day 121 – The Puzzle – Take A Look Around Your Restaurant

For the LOVE OF ALL OF MARKETING MANKIND…take a look around your restaurant every once in a while.

This past week, I was on the road in Key West Florida, and I was confronted with MANY in-store marketing problems, but the two in this blog really stood out.

1st – I’m in a candy store with a poster celebrating a holiday from June 24th.  When I saw this, it was August 4th.  So for six weeks, employees, the owner, and the managers had walked by this sign and never thought, “Hmmmm, when was that?”

2nd – In the picture, you can see the dust CAKED ON IT!  Not only has no one taken down a marketing sign from an event almost two months prior, but they’ve also failed to clean it!  

3rd – The good ole Facebook and Instagram counter up on the wall from 10 years ago needs to be fixed.  The beauty of this one is that my wife pointed it out.  She said, “What is that?” When I turned to see what she was pointing at, I laughed.  

Your marketing goes WAY beyond your website, Facebook, and Instagram feed.  The most important place you need to be marketing is in-store, and if you’re ignoring it as much as these two retailers are, then you’re screwed.  

To wrap up today’s short blog post.  





Walk around your restaurant every day and ask yourself, “whats wrong?”

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