The back page of our new Vivid Vision is our new HQ I want to build by May 17th, 2027.
You can see the back page below; recently, someone asked me WHY. Why 48,000 square feet? Why a hot tub and basketball courts?
Well, why the hell not?! My thoughts are simple: create something no one can ignore. Create something that makes every employee of other companies question why they work where they do. Create a space that fosters energy, excitement, and innovation.
I want to build a campus that employees want to come on their free time, one that fosters a healthy life. And I also want to build a place restaurant owners DREAM of coming to for a workshop.
Do we need everything on there? Probably not, but why shoot for a lame-ass office with drywall and a drop ceiling?
I can’t wait to start building this out and have 3D models created; it’s going to be awesome.
My vision for the building is a container park inside a giant building with a giant glass entrance and water feature. The inside will be built in an H pattern. The layout will be like a mullet, with business in the front and a party in the back 🙂 The front of the building will be all operations, the middle the library, and rooms like that. The back of the building will be all of the fun stuff. I envision the second floor walking out to a rooftop patio that’s above the back part of the building. I want to have the space inside and on the roof to host 100-person events.