Day 168 – The Puzzle – Hope & Pray Cannot Be Your Restaurants Marketing Plan

Hope and pray.

You HOPE your customers had a great meal.

You HOPE your customers had a great experience.

You HOPE your customers enjoyed the atmosphere.

And then you PRAY for them to come back.

That’s different from how your restaurant’s marketing should operate.  

Your marketing should be strategic and well thought out.  Take a look at the marketing calendar above.  You’ll see that every day, there’s a list of marketing campaigns to go out for this Burger joint.  You can see 81 customers and 12 funnels on the day I’ve highlighted.  This is the opposite of HOPE & PRAY.  This is what I like to call ‘Aim & Expect’- a proactive approach where you aim for specific results and expect them to materialize.  

Marketing is about targeting customers and creating action.  You can automate your marketing efforts with the right tools, like our DRYVER platform. This restaurant, for instance, has 12 marketing campaigns that fire every day on auto-pilot.  The rest of the customers are put into other banks, and our team will work with the restaurant owner to target them with ‘One-Off’ campaigns and promos.

As I type this, NKY is getting crushed by a rainstorm.  And as I finish this blog post, a friend of mine company sent out a great email.  Look at the message below from Mella.  I’m a past customer, and our area will undoubtedly have its fair share of homes and businesses with damage that need Mella’s help (fingers crossed, not me).  In this case, they took a targeted list of past customers and aimed at them with a message that’s sure to land with many.  

And to take it a step further, when I clicked the Mella logo in the email to link it to this blog, it took me to a page on water damage needs!!!!  Mella, you all rock!

Friends, let’s get out of the “Hope & Pray” business and start AIMING marketing campaigns for the right customers so we can expect a result.

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