Don’t Gamble With Your Restaurant Operations

Transform your restaurant to transform your life!

I’m going LIVE with my man, David Scott Peters, to talk about his Restaurant Transformation Seminar November 30th to December 1st in Las Vegas!

DSP is THE MAN and if you don’t know that, this interview and the event are your chance to find out.

America’s Best Restaurants sends his book to our clients when they work with us and recently one of those clients said something that blew me away.

“Matt, I’m on the schedule about 4 hours every week now, I’m able to work ON my restaurant and not in it!”

WOW, that statement was wild to hear and event better is the fact that he’s taken his family business from $400K annually to over $2 million in 4 years in the exact location.

On this interview you’ll find what David has planned for the event and HOW you can register to win 2 trips that ABR is giving away to 2 lucky restaurants. This prize will include airfare, hotel and some FUN!

Here’s the link for the event, tune in and check out our convo.

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