The 2nd Best Time Is TODAY
There’s a saying we’ve all heard “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today.!
So as we tackle day 2 of The Puzzle, I answer my own question…”Matt, what’s the 1st topic?”
My first piece of advice for you on this journey is exactly what I’m doing, START a daily blog…TODAY!
I already know what you’re going to say “WHY & WHEN!”
First is WHY. The only way you’ll ever grow your restaurant’s sales is through attention. The more attention you get on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, email, text messaging and THIS BLOG, the more opportunities you have to sell food.
So the natural place to start is your story. The reality show that you live in daily. You know, the puzzle that you’re building as we speak.
Your story every day is one that is amazing. Your blog is going to be different from mine, but also really similar. I’ll be talking about my day, my struggles, my highs, my lows and marketing ideas. You’ll simply substitute marketing ideas with food 🙂
Everyone dreams of being their own boss and owning their own business, but few do. And even fewer succeed. This blog is your chance to bring them into your world, get their support and make them a part of your tribe.
AND it will give you a massive amount of content to use when you do videos and hopefully one day a podcast.
My advice for you is to write 2 blogs per week for 2 weeks, that way you have a headstart for those times when days don’t allow for you to write.
Yeah, yeah, I know “you’re busy.” BOO HOO, so am I and thousands of other entrepreneurs. Take 30 minutes per day and read. And then after that, WRITE.
And last but not least, why EVERY DAY? Honestly, because I find when we do something EVERY DAY it becomes a massive part of our life.
Imagine if in 5 years you’re:
Writing every day
Podcasting every day
Creating video content every day
Exercising every day
Helping friends every day
Coaching employees every day
Telling those around you how thankful you are for them EVERY DAY
You’ll be unstoppable, it won’t be fair to your competition.
See you tomorrow.