How This Pizza Shop Owner Transformed His Business with Social Media

Hey, it’s Matt Plapp, CEO of Restaurant Marketing That Works, and today, I want to share a success story that hits home for me: Avery Ward of Little Italy Restaurante in Groveport, Ohio. Avery took his family’s small pizza shop from $500,000 a year in sales to over $5 million by leveraging social media. And the best part? You can do the same for your restaurant.

Avery’s journey is all about learning how to connect with people through social media, not just as a pizza place but as a part of the community. He started creating content that resonated with his audience, showcasing his restaurant’s story, his team, and the community it serves. And that’s what I’m going to break down for you today. It’s about more than just food – it’s about storytelling, engagement, and creating an experience that customers want to be a part of.

Why Social Media Matters for Your Restaurant

Back in 1999, if you wanted to get people’s attention, you had to rely on TV and radio. Today, people are glued to their phones – that 2.5-inch screen in their pocket is where they spend most of their time. That’s your new TV station! You have the opportunity to broadcast your restaurant’s story right into their hands.

But here’s the thing: it can’t always be about your food. Yes, people love a great pizza shot, but what they really connect with is the story behind the food, the community you serve, and the people who make it all happen. That’s what keeps them coming back for more.

Avery’s Story: From Pizza to Powerful Storytelling

Avery’s story is a perfect example of how to use social media the right way. A few years back, he took over the family business, which had been doing about $500k annually. He hustled, hit the streets, and improved operations to double sales – but he knew he could do more. When he opened a new location, he began telling stories online, but they didn’t dive deep enough.

I’ll never forget one post Avery made – it was a photo of his dad holding him as a kid in the restaurant’s kitchen. It had potential, but the post was short. I called him and said, “Bro, tell me more! People need to know the history, the connection to this place.”

Avery took that advice and ran with it. He started pouring his heart into the stories – about his dad, his grandfather, and the legacy of Little Italy. He would text me, worried that his posts were too long. But I told him, “Avery, if people want to read it, let them. Bring them into your world.”

That’s the power of social media. It’s not just about selling pizzas. It’s about sharing your journey and letting your customers be part of it.

How You Can Do the Same

You’ve got a story too. Maybe it’s about how your menu was created, the history of your recipes, or why you chose to open your restaurant in your community. Your audience wants to hear it! Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Tell Your Story – Share your background, your restaurant’s history, and the passion behind what you do. Facebook and Instagram give you a platform to publish your own reality show, so use it! Get personal and let people see the heart of your business.

  2. Engage Your Community – Your restaurant is more than just a place to eat; it’s part of the local community. Highlight what’s happening in your town. Maybe the high school football team won a championship, or a local Boy Scout troop is cleaning up the neighborhood. Share those stories and show your support. People want to see that you care about the place they live.

  3. Showcase Your Food – Yes, your food matters too! Avery did something amazing by going to California to film where his tomatoes are grown. Do your customers know the effort that goes into their meal? Show them! Whether it’s a time-lapse of a pizza being made or a quick video about where your ingredients come from, give them a behind-the-scenes look.

Choosing the Right Platforms

You don’t have to be everywhere at once. Start by focusing on Facebook and Instagram. Here’s the deal: Facebook is great for longer storytelling. You can interview a local coach, chat about an upcoming event, or dive into your restaurant’s history. Instagram, on the other hand, is perfect for quick hits – short, punchy content like a time-lapse or a 30-second highlight.

Master those two platforms first. Once you’ve got a rhythm, then you can think about adding TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), or even YouTube. But remember, consistency is key!

Don’t Obsess Over Views

One thing I want to stress: Don’t get hung up on the view count. Whether 200 people or 10,000 people watch your video, what matters is the impact you’re making. Imagine 200 people physically walking into your restaurant to listen to you. You’d be thrilled, right? So don’t stress if a post doesn’t go viral. Focus on connecting with the people who are paying attention.

Final Thoughts: Open the Curtains and Let Them In

It’s time to let your customers see behind the scenes. Share your story, engage with your community, and show them why your restaurant is more than just a place to eat. Social media gives you the chance to build deeper connections, so use it wisely.

If you found this helpful, make sure to follow me, subscribe to my content, and drop a comment below. Every day, I’m sharing more tips to help you grow your restaurant’s brand. Let’s keep the conversation going, and I’ll see you in the next video!

That’s the kind of story that gets people hooked – not just on your food but on you.

#restaurantmarketing #socialmediamarketing #restaurantowner

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