LAS VEGAS marketers you suck?

Yes, it’s true, you suck at reaching consumers traveling HERE RIGHT NOW! I’m here on my 3rd trip in 12 months and NOT ONCE have YOU advertised on Facebook to get me to your business.

I’ve not watched TV, paid attention to billboards or picked up a brochure, BUT I’ve been on Facebook hundreds of times and YOUR ads could have got me to spend ? with you.

Click this ad and schedule a consultation phone call where I guarantee I’ll BLOW YOUR MIND or I’ll refund your $100 back.

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Target Visitors For Your Business

Here’s the solution to my most recent RANT???

Here is a quick tutorial on how YOUR Brewery & Restaurant could be reaching out to people visiting your town RIGHT NOW! They aren’t watching TV, they aren’t listening to the radio, they aren’t looking at billboards. They are LOOKING AT THEIR PHONE?
Are you interested in learning how to create Facebook ads JUST LIKE THIS??
Click this ad and schedule a consultation phone call where I guarantee I’ll BLOW YOUR MIND or I’ll refund your $100 back.


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Running a small business is tough, many people will never know the daily struggles. I tip my cap to my fellow entrepreneurs for putting in the hard work every day, all dayRestaurants and other businesses should be targeting people visiting the area on Facebook and Instagram advertising.

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