CLICK HERE Email Marketing Tip
$100,030 In Sales…NUFF SAID
LAS VEGAS marketers you suck?
Yes, it’s true, you suck at reaching consumers traveling HERE RIGHT NOW! I’m here on my 3rd trip in 12 months and NOT ONCE have YOU advertised on Facebook to get me to your business.
I’ve not watched TV, paid attention to billboards or picked up a brochure, BUT I’ve been on Facebook hundreds of times and YOUR ads could have got me to spend ? with you.
Click this ad and schedule a consultation phone call where I guarantee I’ll BLOW YOUR MIND or I’ll refund your $100 back.
HOLY CRAP, someone finally did it!
Target Visitors For Your Business
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Find Local Employees Around Your Restaurant & Business
Reach, Likes & Engagement- PLEASE STOP!
URGENT – PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT PLEASE make 2017 the year that you embrace ROI and abandon the trend of “social media engagement”, after all an engagement is worthless if you don’t get married.
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You don’t always need to offer your customers a “deal”. There are days like Mother’s Day where you simply need to remind them why they want to come see you, great job iHop.
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