Day 87 – The Puzzle – It’s Time To Change, Your Competitors Aren’t

This one is quite simple, GET TO IT!  The video above links to a quote from David Goggins that is so TRUE

“It’s so easy to be great these days because most people are weak “ 🤯🧡
Now before you read any further, CLICK HERE to watch it and then come back for the rest.
OK, for real, CLICK and watch.
Ok, now that you’ve heard that, I want to you realize one thing, it’s 100% true. I promise you, most of your competitors SUCK, but unfortunately so do you right now.
From 2017-2020 I was pulled into coaching a few hundred marketing companies from around the world.  I had written a book that had training for restaurants and it ended up attracting over 700 marketing people “just like me.”  
I put that in “QUOTES” because even though we shared the same business category and had some of the same thoughts, they were nowhere close. 
I recall the moment that it hit me, that I was canceling the coaching program.  To put this in perspective, I made $425,000 NET PROFIT in 2019 from this program, and at a moment’s notice, I canceled it.  

WHY?  Because I realized 90% were never going to listen to me and do what I said.  They simply were not built to run.  And on top of that, I was getting dumber talking to most of them since I was simply banging my head against a wall.  
Now I tell you this story today so that you realize the opportunity that exists.  YOU as a restaurant owner are probably running too slow.  But the good news is, so are all of your competitors, THEY ARE WEAK!  So now is your time to shine, your time to be different, your time to dig deep and become what you were meant to be.  

Step your game up my friends, I believe in you 👊

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