The BIG Merge: Repeat Returns and America’s Best Restaurants UNITE!

We’re thrilled to share a milestone in our company’s journey. For years, we’ve been at the forefront of helping restaurants attract customers, but we always felt something was missing. Now, we’re completing the puzzle with our latest acquisition: Repeat Returns.

This move is more than just an expansion; it’s the missing piece that ties together customer acquisition and technology, enhancing the restaurant experience from start to finish. Repeat Returns is not just a product; it’s a game-changer in understanding customer lifetime value and enhancing their journey.

Our Vivid Vision, boldly set in 2020, was to revolutionize restaurant marketing and customer experience. As we step into this new chapter, we’re not just celebrating our growth but also the opportunities it brings to both our team and our clients.

Join us as we embark on this thrilling journey, breaking new ground in the loyalty platform space and creating unmatched value for independent restaurants. Here’s to a future where every interaction counts, and every customer journey is a story worth telling.

Stay tuned as the America’s Best Restaurants & Repeat Returns teams unite and roadmap the future of restaurant marketing as a whole. While the integrations are in development and not yet live, we are excited to announce them soon, marking a new era in the hospitality industry.

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