Who’s your squad?
Who’s your coach?
Who’s in your corner?
Who’s giving you advice?
But more importantly, WHO are you listening too?
In my daily podcast, Restaurant Marketing Secrets Episode 580, I tell a story of a restaurant owner asking for help and taking the advice he was given by 3 other owners with regards to making a Facebook post he’d hope would get some attention and go viral.
This got me thinking about the people and companies restaurant owners surround themselves with, or honestly DON’T! You see, too many of you are trying to do this alone. And then when you do reach a boiling point and reach out for your help you don’t stick with it. You blame ROI and not seeing traction, yet you didn’t take the action and or do it long enough.
All too often you’re not really looking for the solution you’re looking for an easy route, and that route DON’T EXIST.
Click above and go have a listen.