Day 19 – The Puzzle

Are we crazy, probably.

But is it not something worth trying, exactly!

On a daily basis I tell my vision of what America’s Best Restaurants will become.  Many times a new thought comes up that makes the dream even bigger and I surprise myself.  

And every time the people I tell it to that are hearing it for the first time are BLOWN away.  

Here’s the thing, if your dream isn’t being spoken weekly and if it’s not so crazy that people either question your sanity or don’t say DAMN, then you’re doing it wrong. 

What we put in the universe matters.  But for more reasons than you realize. 

#1 – YOU have to believe it and if you only bring it up occasionally then how can you convince yourself of it?  Seriously!  I think my self doubt comes from the fact that I don’t talk about these things often enough.  As an entrepreneur it can get lonely.  You spend a lot of time in your own head, in your own world and not enough with others.  So when you take time weekly to tell people the mountain you’re going to climb, you’re spending time convincing the most important person, YOU!

#2 – People want to be a part of something bad ass!  They want to be on a journey, not just doing another job.  So by you putting your vision out there, you can attract other big thinkers and assemble a team of people ready to ride the rocket with you.

#3 – It makes you think BIGGER.  When I tell the vision to people, I have a second conversation in my head and I’m like WOOO!  That’s a good idea, what about this! 

Let me give you an example.  Recently I was telling someone our vision.  One that I’ll tell to the world soon.  In my vision I’ve had this idea in the past about an annual publication to chronicle our journey with the ABR Roadshow.  But as of late, it’s vanished from the stories.  Then yesterday, as I was talking to someone it came up again.  And this time it was bigger and better.  “Matt, we are going to have a few different publications published annually on our travels, top foods, top appetizers, top burgers, etc.  This will give restaurants a chance to sell a book that features them to create excitement with their customers.  But on top of that, we’ll have our brand front and center on displays NATIONWIDE for consumers to see”.  

I’m not joking when I say this was a conversation I had with myself while telling my vision to someone yesterday.  I’d been thinking about this idea for a while, but I had not verbalized it lately and it kind of went away.  

And with this, I’ve decided to start writing a blog post weekly on a piece of my vision puzzle and spend more time thinking, writing and speaking about what we are GOING TO DO! 

FYI, I think todays puzzle piece drawing was one of my best.  My penmanship still sucks, but that’s a work in progress too.

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