Day 68 – The Puzzle – Why I Don’t Do Social Events

If you know me, you know Matt Plapp doesn’t attend many social events, if any.

Weddings, NOPE.

Gym canoe trips, NOPE.

Graduation parties, NOPE.

Neighborhood parties, DOUBLE NOPE!

I work, workout, hangout with my family and attend business mastermind events, THAT’S IT!

But why?  Do I dislike people?  Am I anti social?  Or am I just a jackass…probably yes on the last one 🙂

Here’s why.

I don’t want to hang around or talk with people who have broke mindsets.  I don’t want to put myself in situations where I’m going to get dumber.  I don’t want to be around people that enjoy the gossip, drown their sorrows in alcohol and talk about shit that they can’t control.


Last weekend my wife said “Sunday we have XYZ’s graduation party.”  I said “have fun, hard pass.  I’ll pass on the useless conversations that will happen there with people I don’t know or don’t see at all in life.”

That night Christy and I are on a walk and she says “well, you were right, the graduation party conversation was so stupid.  It was a group of parents and kids bragging about how they’d been out until 6am at another kids party the night before and how everyone was drunk.  It was pitiful.”

And THAT my friends is why I don’t go to those type of events. 

#1 – The fact that parents find it funny their kids were hammered at a high school party tells me all I need to hear about those people.  

#2 – How’s that conversation going to help me improve my mind, body or spirit?

#3 – Those aren’t the people that I want to surround myself with.

Instead, I opt to fly out of town every few months to business events like Josh Nelson’s 7FA in Miami (pictured above).  For 3 days, day and night, I’m in a room with like minded professionals.  Our conversations aren’t about politics, someone we don’t like, drinking all night, etc.  The conversations are all about how we can be better spouses, optimize our health, be an awesome CEO and how we can better serve our clients.

To some people what I described above is boring, and those are exactly the people I’m trying to avoid.

My goal is to AVOID at all costs BROKE ASS PEOPLE!  

And broke doesn’t always mean financially broke.  It means broke morally, financially, ethically, mentally.  

My friends, if you want to be the best version of yourself, you MUST protect yourself from these people.

One day soon I hope to start hosting a quarterly event for restaurant owners like I have with 7FA.  An event that will allow us all to fill that social void with the RIGHT people, conversations and energy. 

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