Day 74 – The Puzzle – Now I Know Why


We all have those days, those days that wish life was simpler.  That we wished we hadn’t try to take the hard path.  

You see that guy walking down the street going to his 9 to 5 and think “I wish life was simpler.”  Then you realize you’re not built that way, you realize your hate for today comes from the deep understanding of what you can actually do, and it’s not being THAT GUY!

This went through my head all the time from 2022 to 2024.  It was mostly fueled by a lack of money, but constant cash flow issues.  Weekly I’d think WHY Matt, WHY!  

Then one day I was on my weekly hill run and as I struggle to come up the 1.2 mile hill for the 2nd time a song came on by Limp Biscuit that states “I know why you want to hate me.”  I thought, no one wants to hate me. My struggles are simply me hating the fact that I CAN’T take the easy route, I always run straight into the tough unproven one.

As the song hit the 3:49 part It came on really soft and slow with “now I know why, now I know why, now I know why, now I know why” and then LOUD HARD “NOW I KNOW WHY YOU WANT TO HATE ME!”

The HATE was coming from ME.

 It was me being angry at myself for not having that slow gear.  

For not having small goals.  

For wanting IT ALL and NOW!  

I knew where I could go and it was eating at me that I wasn’t there yet and that I had to wait. 

Patience is not something I’d ever learned.  Many times I’d been spoiled by having the ability to find the money needed to get where I wanted to go, faster than I should have.  Whether it was in 2004 when banks were throwing money at our boat dealership, or 2018 when I had enough profits to be dangerous.

But now though the money wasn’t there and my impatience was the root of my issues.

And when you combine cashflow issues and a lack of patience, it can be dangerous.  

Part of me would think “if we make through this” while the other part would think “live to die another day.”  I had this deep rooted belief what we needed was always around the corner, but I’d not learned how to control my mind and honestly believe it some days. 

During February of 2024 I made up my mind “FUCK IT” we’re making it and we’re only going to get there if I accept how I’m built and change it.  I had to trust my clique, the ABR crew I’d built where in it for the long haul.  They just needed a healthy MP.

On those runs the song “show me how to live” would come on as well and it was a constant reminder that the only person I had to prove it to was ME!  I had to be able to look in the mirror every day and be proud of how I was leading myself, my team, my family and my friends.   After all, I’m not leading from the front how can I expect others to follow?

This journey I’m on is tough, it’s brutal.  Just like Tom Brady has to shake off an interception, I have to be able to turn the page of every day.  

One bad day can’t effect tomorrow and a bad week isn’t an option.

I can’t allow yesterday to change how I live today.  This journey requires and unbreakable MIND.

“Wait Until I Get My Money Right!”

I recall hearing that in 2023 while driving to the office.  Just wait, just wait!  

The restaurant industry doesn’t know what was going to hit them.  The haters can’t fathom what we’re about to pull off.  The big brands won’t realize the little guy was coming to punch them in the throat.  

MP will become to the restaurant marketing game what Alex Hormozi was to marketers in 2023.

The past 3 years have taught me the world is at my feet. and it’s time to take this shit to another level. 

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