Day 90 – The Puzzle – The Change That Needed To Happen

It’s been 6 months and 1 week since I eliminated stuff like this out of my life.

It started as a 90 days “let’s see” what happens.

By the time 60 days rolled around I’d seen major differences in everything, especially the scale and my waist so I said “let’s go ALL YEAR” 😱

No cookies, cake, donuts, ice cream, etc FOR 1 YEAR!

If this was a year ago and I walked into a candy store or a crazy awesome bakery, like we just did I WOULD HAVE WENT HOG WILD 😜

But what’s absolutely insane is there was ZERO temptation, zero “I must have that.” Absolutely NO craving.

How’d that possible? Something I’ve eaten for 40+ years and always thought I had to have,?is all of a sudden GONE.

If you know me, then you know. I loved surgery treats and even though I rarely over indulged, I almost ALWAYS indulged 😍

And now here we are, 6 months later and zero cravings. ZERO need for a treat and a much healthier MP.

For me, this is just a start.

A start to discovering how we’ve all been programmed to eat sugar and processed garbage.

I still am guilty of certain things, like the Doritos I enjoyed with my Wagyu steak the other day 🤣

One step at a time, who knows where I’ll end up.

My friends, you can do it too.

Your kids deserve a healthier you.

Your family deserves a healthier you.

YOU DESERVE a healthier YOU!

For me it’s more than about health though, it’s about leading my team. It’s about showing them that rules apply to me as well.  Because that was my excuse for the past few years with regard to my weight. I thought “Well, I’m still in better shape than most people, so I’m good.”  But that’s a terrible excuse.  I was on a one-way path with a dead-end road.  

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