These 3 steps will transform your restaurant in 2024!

Imagine this: It’s the end of 2024. Your restaurant is PACKED with happy customers. How did you get here? Three words: Attract, Build, Retain. 🚀

Attract isn’t just about offering amazing food. It’s about turning heads online and being a key member of your community for other reasons than your food.

Build? That’s all about creating loyalty. Use data wisely, curate offers that resonate, and make your restaurant ‘the’ place to be. Build a killer database you can call on for the right reasons.

Retaining is about nurturing a conversation that never ends. Be a vibrant part of your community online and offline. Because your restaurant is more than a dining spot. Stay relevant to your customers for more reasons than just your food.

#RestaurantMarketing #restaurantowner #shorts

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The BIG Merge: Repeat Returns and America’s Best Restaurants UNITE!

We’re thrilled to share a milestone in our company’s journey. For years, we’ve been at the forefront of helping restaurants attract customers, but we always felt something was missing. Now, we’re completing the puzzle with our latest acquisition: Repeat Returns.

This move is more than just an expansion; it’s the missing piece that ties together customer acquisition and technology, enhancing the restaurant experience from start to finish. Repeat Returns is not just a product; it’s a game-changer in understanding customer lifetime value and enhancing their journey.

Our Vivid Vision, boldly set in 2020, was to revolutionize restaurant marketing and customer experience. As we step into this new chapter, we’re not just celebrating our growth but also the opportunities it brings to both our team and our clients.

Join us as we embark on this thrilling journey, breaking new ground in the loyalty platform space and creating unmatched value for independent restaurants. Here’s to a future where every interaction counts, and every customer journey is a story worth telling.

Stay tuned as the America’s Best Restaurants & Repeat Returns teams unite and roadmap the future of restaurant marketing as a whole. While the integrations are in development and not yet live, we are excited to announce them soon, marking a new era in the hospitality industry.

#RestaurantMarketing #americasbestrestaurants #repeatreturns #hospitalityindustry #hospitalitytechnology #customeraquisition #loyaltyprogram #RestaurantInnovation #restaurantindustry

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Ditch your unbranded email or become invisible to your customers!

In 2024 business emails that end in @gmail / @yahoo etc. will now be sent to spam… But what does this mean for your business?

If you’ve been collecting customer data and relying on email marketing then your efforts will now be for nothing.

Create a branded email that uses your website’s URL!

Check out ep. 466 of Restaurant Marketing Secrets to learn more about the changes you can expect for email marketing in 2024. (link in bio)

#emailmarketing #digitalmarketing #shorts

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My Son Is Joining My Team & Journey…So Proud!

In a surprising turn of events, my most exciting hire to date is none other than my own son, Cole. Departing from the traditional path of college education, Cole has embarked on a journey into adulthood with America’s Best Restaurants (ABR). The decision may raise eyebrows, but as we delved into the reasons behind his choice, it became clear that college isn’t the only route to success, and for some, it might even be a hindrance.

Over Thanksgiving, Cole and I found ourselves immersed in a profound conversation while relaxing in the hot tub. It was during this dialogue that Cole expressed his discontent with the college environment, surrounded by peers whose priorities revolved around partying rather than personal and professional growth. This revelation prompted a deeper discussion about the impact of one’s surroundings on personal development.

Following our heart-to-heart conversation, we decided to weigh three potential paths: staying at his current college, transferring to EKU, or joining ABR. Surprisingly, within 30 minutes, Cole presented a meticulously crafted list of pros and cons for each option. The choice became clear – Cole needed to be a part of America’s Best Restaurants.

With great enthusiasm, I am proud to announce Cole Plapp as the Head of Fitness & Nutrition at ABR. His responsibilities are divided equally between programming and coaching for fitness and nutrition, and immersing himself in ABR U, where he will study the ins and outs of the company, specializing in digital marketing.

Cole’s role at ABR will be dynamic, with half of his time dedicated to enhancing the health and wellness of our team and clients through fitness and nutrition programs. The other half will see him delving into ABR U, where he aims to obtain a “PhD in digital marketing” within 12 months. His mission is to contribute to the growth of our county’s best restaurants through innovative marketing strategies and technology integration.

Acknowledging that the college experience might not be the right fit for everyone, Cole’s journey represents a bold step into the real world. Armed with practical experience, he has the flexibility to either return to college with newfound insights or continue building his career.

As Cole embarks on this exciting journey, stay tuned for updates, including his daily workout blog that everyone can follow along with. Join us in witnessing the transformation with the hashtag #cpwodmp, tracking Cole’s workouts for personal and professional growth.

Cole’s decision to forgo traditional college and join ABR exemplifies the importance of choosing the path that aligns with one’s values and aspirations. As he navigates the realms of fitness, nutrition, and digital marketing, his journey serves as an inspiration for those considering alternative routes to success. The story of Cole Plapp at ABR is a testament to embracing opportunities outside the conventional educational framework and building a career based on passion, dedication, and real-world experience.


Stop being an employee of your own restaurant!

f you want to go from an employee of your business to the CEO then you need to LMS- Lead, Market, Sell! Lead your team with a clear and compelling vision, Market your brand with unwavering passion every day, and Sell not just your food but a vision that resonates with your customers.

Check out episode 476 of the Restaurant Marketing Secrets podcast to learn more about LMS and how you can implement this strategy in your restaurant! Link in bio.

#restaurantowner #shorts #leadmarketsell

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Master at selling your restaurant’s compelling vision in 2024!

Become a master at selling your restaurant’s compelling vision! When your vision is crystal clear to your employees, vendors, and customers, everyone will strive to become a part of your remarkable brand.

check out ep. 475 of the Restaurant Marketing Secrets podcast to become a master of selling your vision. Link in bio.

#restaurantmarketing #restaurantexpert #shorts

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How important is video marketing for a restaurant?

How important is video marketing for a restaurant? We asked Google so you dont have to!

It gives you the ability to showcase your dining experience, build trust/loyalty, become more visible online, and ultimately increase sales!

Get on video, highlight your community, show off your amazing staff, and tell your story!

Check out the Restaurant Marketing Secrets podcast linked in my bio to dive deeper into what video marketing can do for your restaurant!

#Restaurantmarketing #Independentrestaurant #shorts

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You need these 3 things to dominate your email marketing!

You need these 3 things to dominate your email marketing!
– Marketing automation
– Ethical bribes
– Knowing Who’s on your list and how to segment it!
Check out ep. 475 of Restaurant Marketing Secrets to dive deeper into these 3 hacks- Link in bio!

#restaurantmarketing #shorts #emailmarketing

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Get more ATTENTION for your restaurants promotions!

Think about this the next time you want to bring attention to a promotion in your restaurant…
How can you get more eyeballs on the promotion? Simple, get people to engage with it! We see massive customer engagement with our client’s social pages when they give a call to action to comment that isn’t about food! When the algorithm sees a certain demographic engaging with a post it will begin showing that post to more people just like that! Take this example of Mother’s Day but replace “Mother’s” with any other holiday and your comment section will be booming with attention!

Money. Follows. Attention.

#restaruantmarketing #restaurantindustry #shorts

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Is your restaurant focused on tomorrow or next year?

As entrepreneurs, many of us are in a hurry to get a result tomorrow for today’s actions, but this mentality is too short-sided. Usain Bolt recently said in an interview that he trained for four years to do a 10-second race and this made me think. Maybe I’m being too short-sighted with my business. Could this entire year not just be a building block of a much larger accomplishment? In 2024 I plan to focus more on the big picture for my business and encourage you to do the same. #shorts #socialmediamarketing #marketing2024

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