March Madness VIP Club

March Madness was canceled, but that didn’t stop Chay, the owner of a 6 location pizza chain, from using it to his advantage. Rather than just let the idea of March Madness fade away, Chay said, “As soon as we heard that March Madness was canceled, we jumped on that opportunity from a VIP club perspective. March Madness may be canceled, but we’re offering a MAD Deal on our end with carousel offers to our VIP customers to make sure they’re still rewarded through these tough times. “

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Honesty With Your Customers

Honesty with customers is imperative at this time, now more than ever. Explaining the situation to and being honest and open with your client base is going to yield better results for you and your team.

Brian says, “Every dollar you spend here isn’t going into my pocket, per se, it’s helping the 25 employees I have pay their bills, take care of their kids. That’s a very honest message that we need to continue to push. We are the backbone of most cities, right? The small business sector.”

People inherently like to help others, so knowing that their money is helping the staff rather than just the owner of a restaurant, will do wonders for your team.

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Make Videos and Tell Stories!

Make Videos and Tell Stories!

Brian, the owner of a 1 location BBQ restaurant is GREAT at video and telling stories. He encourages all restaurant owners to shoot videos and go live. Brian says, “Don’t be afraid. It can be raw, it can be honest. Get your face out there. We’ve just started interviewing our staff and telling them what dollar spend at Fatty’s means to them and doing an interview with them because that’s the real stuff!”

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Brian Picard of Fatty’s BBQ

Brian is the owner of a 1 location BBQ restaurant and one of our newer clients. Take a listen to what he has to say about how we operate: “One of the reasons I went with you guys is the transparency about the process and how quickly you guys responded. In the restaurant business, my time is super valuable and I don’t want to have to send a question and then wait 3 days for an answer. And I didn’t get that from you guys.”

Now, click this link to learn more about Brian and our program!:

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Facebook Ad Targeting

If you’re going to run a Facebook Ad, try to resist the urge to simply “boost” a post unless you have an audience set up. Check out my tutorial on how to create a custom audience that is going to get you better engagement and better results.

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Kids Promos

Kids Promos are BIG right now.

Chay, the owner of a 6 location pizza chain, said “All these parents out there, they’re scratching their heads, ‘What do I do with my kids for 6 weeks during this closure?’ Well, we’re going to create a reading program for them.” And what do they get for completing it? A free meal.

Something as simple as this can have a MAJOR impact on the community and really shows you care about them. What other ideas do you have to get involved?

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Online and Digital Ordering

Digital and online ordering is going to be key during this social distancing period, so you must get creative with how you drive people to your site.

Isaac, the owner of a 1 location Smoothie shop, created a flyer with a QR code for people to scan with their phones. He said, “You can just scan [the QR code] and it’ll take you straight to our online ordering page.”

How easy is that, especially if someone forgets to order online before getting to the store? And he can now add these customers to his database!

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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So, what do you do now that things are up in the air? Do you quit or keep hustling?

I asked Chay, and he said, “Keep advertising. Keep putting yourself out there. The ones complaining about it and trying to figure out how they’re going to get through this thing are the ones that aren’t going to make it.”

You must do whatever it takes to make it! KEEP ADVERTISING!

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Your Customers & Database Are Going To Be The Reason You Survive

Restaurants, your customers and your database are going to be the reason you survive the next few weeks. How are you tracking trends? How are you tracking sales? How are you actually USING your database?

Brian, the owner of a 1-location BBQ restaurant, says our program is extremely helpful in times like these. “We’ve been pushing hard on messenger. Today alone, I’m looking at the data in real time, I’ve had 17 redemptions, which makes up 18% of my total revenue today. I can track that in real time. Without that, I would be 18% lower in sales than I was today.” Without a trackable system, he wouldn’t be able to see these sales numbers or trends.

Chay, the owner of a 6-location pizza chain, said, “More importantly than those redemptions is my 13,000 people that I’ve got in my database since working with them in July.” With this database, he can now reach out to specific customers with specific offers for or reminders about his restaurants. Building your database is priceless!

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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Planning for AFTER the Coronavirus

What can you do now to set yourself up for success after this pandemic is over?

Listen to Brenton, the owner of a 1 location restaurant in Austrailia, and do what he’s doing! He said, “I do expect that we will rebound pretty quickly and I’m preparing and planning, putting all my efforts into that. So the next 4 weeks will be lots of offers and promotions.” He’s lining up deals and promos for his clients to entice them to continue purchasing from his restaurant even during social distancing, and creating a plan to help bring them back once life returns to normal.

On Tuesday, March 17th, I hosted 4 restaurant owners to talk about how they are tackling these tough times. The advice they all shared was amazing and will no doubt help many operators during this tough time.

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