There are some of the basic elements you must have in place before focusing on growing your sales from marketing
– Solid up-to-date website
– Professionally created logo and branding kit (exact colors, logo variations, etc.)
– A customer database software
– Active social media pages, bonus points if you actually use social media correctly
– Up-to-date online profiles that all match
– Internal branding that looks JUST LIKE everything online
– Internal marketing that’s changed often and not out of date and stale.
– Professionally designed menu that is current and does not have white-out.
– Bi-weekly email and text blasts
– Customer loyalty and rewards program
– Internal and web customer acquisition program tied into your customer database program
So What is restaurant marketing success?
Now that we’ve covered most of the basics, in my opinion, the next step is a two-pronged approach:
1st – Paid advertising to mainly acquire customer data
2nd – Marketing funnels built inside your customer database software that takes people on an automated journey.
With this in mind I always am asked the same question “Matt, how can we drive sales from our emails, text messaging, and social media marketing?”
Well, for today’s blog we’ll focus on the 1st Step above, but with a twist. We’re going to talk about using paid Facebook and Instagram advertising to build your database, while also driving sales that will FUND the upfront cost of your marketing.
You see, the 2nd step revolves around using your customer database marketing software. I like to compare software like that to a Ferrari, its an awesome machine, but without GAS it’s going to go nowhere.
Customer Acquisition
Customer acquisition isn’t hard. There are 3 core places you should be focusing on EVERY DAY to build your customer database
1st – Inside Your Store (that’s for another day)
2nd – Your Website (another day too)
3rd – Online & Social Media and paid ads are where this starts.
Your brand is what fuels sales growth. How strong do you think how close are you to having marketing that drives sales on demand?
Many things influence your success, but today I will stick with the theme of NOT skipping steps and waiting in line.
One, well three, of the items that are a major part of this, is what I talk about in DAY 59 of The Puzzle, it covers this in-depth and will give you more context. The basics are that your type of food, level of service, and location will dictate the cost of customer acquisition.
At a basic level, if you’re a fast food chicken tender restaurant off an expressway exit in the suburbs, you’re going to have one of the lowest customer acquisition costs available. On the other end of the spectrum would be a high-end restaurant in an urban area. I highly encourage you to read Day 59 of The Puzzle, it goes much deeper.
The marketing that drives sales is a long road. It’s not something that’s going to happen overnight.
But that shouldn’t be a big deal because most of you signed a 10-year lease with a personal guarantee. You bought six figures in equipment and probably spent $30-50,000 on outdoor signs. Plus, you don’t plan on quitting anytime soon, RIGHT?
With that in mind, why shouldn’t you expect your marketing plan for many years to hit full speed?
Great, now that we’re on the same page let’s discuss ACQUIRING CUSTOMERS.
I want to ask you a question; if your restaurant gave customers an amazing offer, what percentage would they take it?
I mean and offer they’d feel stupid saying no to.
A 100% free pizza.
A 100% free burger combo.
A 100% free burrito & chips.
If 1,000 customers raised their hand and in exchange for their contact information you gave them a free item, how many would walk through your doors and spend money with you?
For years we’ve been told that success in Direct Mail was 2-5%. So if you had 1,000 people get that same offer in the mail, you could expect 25-50 to become customers.
Well, here’s the good news, it’s MUCH HIGHER in digital marketing. What I’m going to show you is much more intrusive than direct mail and when your customers engage with this type of marketing they are more vested. You can expect to see 10% to 30% from strategies like this. We’ve even seen some outliers get 40-50%, which is INSANE!
But first, let’s discuss the difference between 10% and 30%.
There are two key elements to these results, assuming you have a STRONG call to action ad:
1st – My 3 bullseyes, what I covered in DAY 59 of The Puzzle, CLICK HERE to read.
2nd – The Strength Of Your Brand.
Now, don’t get mad at me for this one, because I’ve had a few who have in the past. Just because you have a great restaurant that has solid sales numbers and great reviews does not mean you have STRONG brand marketing. Yes, your current customers love you, but you’re a GHOST to everyone else and that’s who we are trying to find. So to them, your brand isn’t relevant.
I can recall a conversation earlier this year with a client who could not comprehend this. His restaurant does a few million per year and is a 10 out of 10, I’ve been to it. But, to 95% of the people 3-5 miles from his restaurant he’s just another storefront. So when I say you have a weak brand, I mean to the general public. Let’s face it, all of you have a strong brand with your top customers, that’s why they come every week.
The goal of this paid advertising strategy is to introduce what you’ve built to new people, remind people who forgot about you and get in the heads of your best customers even more.
Tomorrow, we dig into what this looks like.
To be continued.